
We'd like to thank all those involved in our business. Our designers and makers, our upholsterers, frame builders, pattern cutters, tool makers, glass blowers, welders, wire benders, tube benders, rug tufters, cabinet makers, machine operatives, laser cutters, wood turners, metal spinners, pickers, packers, delivery drivers, electricians, installers, specifiers, architects, interior designers, landlords, cleaners, printers, photographers, journalist, editors, influencers. For all our deadgood families and friends. For the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes and for those who represent us on the front line. You make all the difference and we feel gratitude every day.

in any colour

We pride ourselves on offering a flexible service and it's easy for us to modify certain products by altering colours, fabrics, and finishes, if required. In fact, many of our collections are available in any colour, so we can fit straight into your next big interior specification.

for brands

Our eclectic collection of products are designed and made in Britain and supplied to commercial projects and influential brands worldwide.

for the workplace

We're constantly pursuing our mission to challenge the preconceived conceptions of what a commercial furniture brand should look like, all the while developing simple products for the modern workplace.

in every detail

You understand why we do what we do, what our brand and our culture stand for. Like us you share similar experience, aspirations and influences. Music, fashion, popular culture, technology and travel. It's all in here, we're just bottling it up into a brand that happens to develop beautiful products. We are you, in more ways than one.


deadgood means quality. It says, 'we care'. So much, that we want our products to last a life time. Our partners care too. from the wee Isle of Bute to the white Folkstone sand. Our philosophy is to think global but start local. Investing in communities whose skillsets lie at the cutting edge of industrial processing on one hand, to employing time-honoured techniques on the other. We remain humble and grateful for their support and the dedication of our entire team. In house and beyond. We salute you. Our deadgood family. Without you, this business would be nothing more than a bright idea of the back of a beer mat. We like being deadgoodand we hope you do too!

vs. mindless consumption

It is our duty as designers to make things as durable and relevant as possible. Our timeless classics are not only designed to outlive immediate trends but they can also contribute to the sustainability goals of a commercial project. Damaging the environment for short term gains is just not our style. That doesn't mean we have to be bland though.


We are deadgood. Furniture, lighting & interior products. Designed in Britain. Made in Britain. An eclectic collection. Products with personality. For brands. For the workplace.
A bright idea on the back of a beer mat. Fun. Quality. Longevity. Keep it simple stupid. Consistently inconsistent. Challenge the status quo. Experiment with new ideas.
Remain at the crest of a wave. Constantly evolve. Continuously improve. Nurture talent. Be more. Do less. Ethically and environmentally awake. Emotionally durable. Local yokel. Global reach. Inspired. Refined. Disruptive. Inclusive. deadgood in every detail. We are you. Collaborative. Forward-thinking. Best of British.

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